Middle Demons (Angels and Demons Book 2) Read online

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  “No. I’m not sure that they will. Leviathan is still recovering and Vixen was severely injured the last time she fought me. She still hasn’t gotten much better.”

  Baal grinned but then his facial expression became one of concern as he noticed what Shadow had attached to his belt.

  “Look, I know that one day you’ll become the major demon of murder but coming here with two scythes was a vain and stupid thing to do.”

  “That’s funny. I never thought I would get a lecture on vanity from Baal. Are you also the major demon of hypocrisy?”

  “Watch your tone, Shadow. You’re still a middle demon and a fairly new one at that. You don’t want to destroy the feeble truce between our departments.”

  “I need to be ready in case we have to fight. They need to know that I have both of these and that I can wield them.”

  “Well Astaroth may demand one of them when she shows up. She has been officially named the new major demon of inaction.”

  “Interesting. None of the male demons in the department challenged her for it?”

  “Plenty of them did. She killed them all. The Dragon made her appointment official earlier today. I hear she plans on continuing in the war started by Asmodeus and his league of lazy assholes.”

  Shadow smiled.

  “Baal, you don’t like any of the other major demons, do you?”


  Dagon emerged from the front door, wiping his greasy hands on a dirty rag.

  “General Baal and Lord Shadow. Glad to see you both made it. There are some pretty foul rumors floating around right now that both of you are dead.”

  Baal stepped forward and shook Dagon’s hand.

  “It’s been a long time, old friend. Thanks for letting us use the VIP room as a neutral location to discuss terms. I don’t think Hell can survive the war that those idiots started.”

  Dagon shifted nervously.

  “Yeah… um… speaking of the other major demons…”


  “They got here before you and they’re already upstairs.”

  Shadow’s eyebrows arched down and a low growl echoed in the back of his throat. He pushed past Baal and Dagon and entered the bar. He hung his cloak near the entrance and made his way upstairs. He kicked the door open and saw Lucian grinning at him.

  “Shadow, this meeting is for major demons. I guess you didn’t put two and two together, but the department of murder hasn’t had a major demon since I killed Cain.”

  “That’s funny, Lucian. I’m not a major demon and yet I killed Asmodeus and I wield a scythe just like the rest of you. Two of them, actually.”

  Lucian looked at Shadow’s belt and the grin left his face.

  “I demand you hand the scythe of Asmodeus to Astaroth. Right now, Shadow.”

  “Actually, Lucian, I don’t need Shadow to give me a scythe. The Dragon already did that. He had a new one made for me.”

  Shadow looked over at the new major demon over inaction, Astaroth. She wore dark green robes and had dark hair. Her eyes were the color of emeralds. She wore a dead snake that was eating its own tail around her neck as a necklace and Shadow thought he saw snakes slithering in and out of her hair. He definitely saw them slithering around her dress. Baal pointed an open hand at the table. Shadow hadn’t even realized that he entered the room.

  “Why don’t we all have a seat and have a chat about this war?”

  Shadow and Baal took their seats around the table.

  “Astaroth, Vixen, and I are not interested in listening to you try to talk us out of this. We will continue this fight until Baal and Leviathan surrender command of their armies to us.”

  Baal looked annoyed.

  “Lucian, last I checked, Astaroth could speak for herself. I understand you’re only here to be an annoying asshole, but I fail to see why Astaroth would want to continue a war that got her predecessor killed.”

  Astaroth took her seat at the table.

  “The death of Asmodeus doesn’t worry me. It’s what earned me my promotion. I’m not afraid of his killer either.”

  Astaroth flashed a smile at Shadow.

  “No offense, kiddo. I just don’t see you as a threat.”

  Shadow reached for one of the scythes on his belt. Baal caught his wrist and shook his head.

  “If Shadow’s not a threat to you and you aren’t interested in avenging Asmodeus, then why continue this ridiculous war?”

  “Because Shadow’s uncle killed my son. His name was Venom and he was a middle demon of half-truths.”


  “I didn’t want to play favorites with my children so I let them work their way up the ranks in other departments. Venom made it to middle demon of half-truths serving under Lucian. So you see this really is quite simple. Lucian saw his potential and brought him up through the ranks. Cain killed him. What side would you be on?”

  “Alright. I’m having a really hard time giving a shit about what either of you has said so far. If the two of you just came here to bitch and pretend you’re important then this meeting is over.”

  Shadow got up to leave the table. Baal caught his arm again.

  “Baal, if you make a habit of grabbing my arm, I will cut your hand off.”

  “As amusing as that would be, Shadow, we’re here to play cards. It’s a long-time tradition. Obviously, Baal thought you deserve a spot at the table. I don’t. You’re welcome to leave.”

  “Well I say he should stay as the current head of the department of murder. Lucian wants him to go. Astaroth?”

  Astaroth looked at Baal, then at Lucian, and finally at Shadow.

  “He can stay. I’ve heard rumors that he’s been collecting large amounts of souls and I would love to take them from him in a game of cards.”

  Shadow grinned and removed the box from his cloak. He knew that the major demons liked to meet up and gamble and he was prepared. He brought the box down hard on the table and opened the lid. The box contained a swirling black mist and hundreds of horrible cries emerged when he opened it. The three major demons eyed the box greedily.

  “There are at least a few hundred souls in there. So yes… I do have quite a nice collection. Let’s play some cards.”

  “Shadow said you need to hand over control of your army to me.”

  Gangrene looked at Lilith like she was crazy but he tried to stay diplomatic about the situation. While he was a minor demon just like she was, Gangrene feared both Shadow and Leech. He knew her connections could ensure him an unpleasant future.

  “Lady Lilith, Shadow said you could have your sister. He didn’t say anything about handing over control of my entire army. You can read the message he sent if you’d like.”

  Gangrene snapped his fingers and a demon-in-training ran out and bowed at Gangrene’s feet.

  “Go retrieve the message that Lord Shadow sent to me earlier today. It’s rolled up on my desk. Bring it back here for Lady Lilith to read.”

  The demon-in-training nodded and then ran off.

  “I also want one of your ponies. Shadow won’t give me his.”

  “Lilith… I don’t have any horses. I can’t give you what I don’t have.”

  Lilith sighed like she was both disappointed and bored.

  “You’re starting to disappoint me, Gangrene.”

  “Look, Lilith, I’ve tried to be polite for the sake of my boss. I know you’re his friend. I also know you’re friendly with Leech the angel slayer so…”

  Lilith cut him off.

  “Leech the what?”

  “Angel slayer. It’s what he’s being called now. We’ve heard rumors…”

  Lilith interrupted him with a fit of laughter.

  “What rumors? That he killed a minor angel’s bodyguard?”

  “Well there’s that… but he also killed Ambriel while he was on Earth. Isn’t that also true?”

  Lilith nodded to confirm that he was correct. She was one of the few that knew the real circumstances behind Leech killi
ng a middle angel but since she didn’t want to advertise that Leech occasionally wielded an angel’s blade, she kept quiet about it. As she continued to grin at the ridiculous title, Gangrene’s demon-in-training returned and kneeled at her feet while holding a scroll above her head. She took it from his hand and read it.

  “Gangrene, this just confirms what I told you. Shadow gave me your army.”

  “Let me see it.”


  “Lilith I read it when it came in. It said you can have your sister, the little demon-in-training girl I took in a raid on one of Vixen’s whore houses.”

  “And if I insist that I’m taking your army?”

  Lilith drew her whip from her belt. Gangrene removed a spear that was attached to his back.

  “I’ll stop leading this army when I stop breathing. I’ll send for Lord Shadow and take you into custody if you insist on continuing on in this manner. I’m done playing nice.”

  Lilith struck with her whip and pulled the spear from Gangrene’s hands. She threw it back at his feet and laughed.

  “Don’t worry, Gangrene. I know I’m just here for my sister. I’ve just been kind of bored today so I decided to mess with you a little bit. I can see why Shadow likes you though. You’re almost as adorable as the little dart throwing guy that Shadow promoted a while back.”

  “Muan? I’m twice the demon he is.”

  “I didn’t come here to question your ego. If you’ll go fetch my sister for me, I’ll be on my way and you can get back to… whatever the hell you do.”

  Gangrene picked up his spear and sent a demon-in-training to retrieve Lilith’s sister. Nothing would make him happier than having the two craziest women he had met gone from his camp. He had no idea why Shadow and Leech put up with her.

  The demon-in-training reappeared carrying a sack of armor and a whip. Behind him walked a demoness in a black robe. She had long dark hair like Lilith and similar eyes but she looked a few years younger. When they made it to within a few feet of Gangrene, she turned to the demon-in-training.

  “Thanks, sweetie.”

  The demon-in-training blushed bright red.

  “I will miss your beauty in our camp, my lady.”

  She giggled. Gangrene rolled his eyes.

  “You’ve retrieved her and carried all of her stuff here. Now get back to the damn camp and arrange my weapons alphabetically until I decide you can stop.”

  The demon-in-training bowed at Gangrene and ran off back to camp, looking slightly embarrassed. Lilith’s sister walked up to Gangrene.

  “So are you going to miss me too, Gangy?”

  “No. You and your crazy ass sister can get the hell out of my camp now.”

  Lilith’s sister blew him a kiss and Gangrene couldn’t help but grin for several seconds. He was finally able to wipe the smirk off his face and replace it with a look of annoyance bordering on anger.

  “Fuck Vixen and all of her daughters.”

  With that, he turned and swiftly walked back to his camp.

  Lilith’s sister finally turned and looked Lilith over.

  “You’re not prettier than I am, Lilith.”

  Lilith couldn’t help but giggle. Her sister walked up to her and hugged her. Lilith couldn’t help but think that her little sister was one of the most adorable demonesses she had ever met. She eventually released the embrace, stepped back a few paces, and bowed at Lilith’s feet.

  “My name is Raven and I’m the daughter of Leviathan and Vixen. I went through the demon trials a few classes after you.”

  “I have a very important question to ask you, Raven. I need you to be completely honest with me.”

  “Of course.”

  “Is Gangrene hiding ponies somewhere in his camp?”

  “No. If he was, they would already be mine. I would love to have a pony.”

  Lilith pouted.

  “I have a question for you too, sis. I’ve heard you’re friends with Leech the angel slayer and the rumor is that he’s really handsome. Can you take me to meet him?”

  “You’ll meet him at some point but he’s mine.”

  “No one taught you how to share?”

  “Not when it comes to Leech.”

  “He’s that handsome then?”

  “No. I like him for other reasons. He’s cute in a dorky kind of way.”

  “Ok fine. I call dibs on the next cutie then. Actually…”

  Raven’s eyes lit up and Lilith could see her excitement.

  “Oh forget Leech. I want to meet Lord Shadow. Is he single?”

  Lilith laughed.

  “If you can win over Shadow then go for it. I’m still not 100% certain that he doesn’t still hate me.”

  “Well maybe he’ll like me better since I’m so much prettier than you.”

  Raven winked and Lilith laughed.

  “I guess we’ll see. He’s going to meet up with us after his ‘important business meeting.’ Get your stuff and let’s go.”


  Baal grinned when he realized that he’d eliminated Astaroth.

  “Full house. Aces full of kings.”


  “Want to buy back in?”

  “Nope. I have a newly earned department to run. I think I’ve taken enough of a hit for tonight. I guess I’ll just have to count on Lucian to win back what was mine.”

  Astaroth looked at Baal and Shadow and then turned to Lucian.

  “Should I stick around?”

  “No. We’ve been playing cards for centuries. There’s no killing. I don’t know how well Shadow respects that but Baal has played by the rules since he became a major demon. War doesn’t change tradition.”

  Shadow grinned.

  “He just doesn’t want you to see him lose.”

  Shadow flipped his cards and scooped the pile of chips over to join his stacks. Lucian folded the next hand.

  “I don’t have a ton of time left. Battles to plan, soldiers to train, people to tempt.”

  “I have to get going soon too. I have a meeting with Leech to get to. What do you say, Shadow? All in pre-flop?”

  “I’m in if you are.”

  The five cards came: A K 7 5 2. Baal revealed the cards in his hand.

  “An ace and a king. Two pair.”

  Shadow grinned.

  “I have pocket sevens so that gives me three sevens.”

  “Damn. Oh well. Good luck, kid.”

  Baal got up from his seat and started towards the door.

  “Wait, Baal. I want you to hear this in case Lucian decides to go back on his word.”

  “Tired of gambling for human souls, little Shadow? What do you want then?”

  “A demon. We each place a demon on the line in addition to all of the human souls. I choose a demon from your department and you choose one from mine. Minor demon or lower.”

  “Who do you want?”


  Lucian laughed.

  “Is that what you’ve been collecting souls for? A chance to get your old sparring buddy back? I guess word got back to you how unfairly he’s being treated in my department. What did you expect? He shouldn’t have pissed off Nightmare in the trials.”

  “Will you just shut the fuck up and pick? I don’t have all night.”

  “Patience little Shadow. Let me think for a moment.”

  Lucian stroked his chin and pretended to think.

  “Now who could I take that would piss you off the most? Oh I know. I hear the little dart flinging pygmy has been very good at collecting souls for you lately. Why don’t you put him on the line? What’s his name again? Moo-cow?”


  “Yes. When I win… I’ll take Muan and all of your human souls.”

  Shadow hesitated. He didn’t think he could risk sending Muan over to the department of lies knowing how Murmur was treated over there. Baal cut in, annoyed at his hesitation.

  “Shadow, I don’t have time for this. I’m already late for my meeting. Are y
ou in?”

  “Yes. Muan and Murmur are both on the line in addition to all of the human souls.”

  “Both of you swear on your own lives and on the life of the Dragon.”

  They both agreed to the terms and swore the oath accordingly. Baal turned and left.

  Shadow looked at his cards. A 8. Dead man’s hand. He smiled at how appropriate this was for the leader of the department of murder. He had always considered it his lucky hand.

  The first three cards came up: A 8 6. Shadow moved half of his chips into the middle.

  “Pretty confident in your hand, huh?”

  “Obviously. It’s my lucky hand.”

  Lucian matched his bet.

  “You’re not the only one with a lucky hand, little Shadow.”

  The next card came up: a king. Shadow decided he had to play it strong and hope that Lucian didn’t have aces or kings in his hand.

  “All in.”

  Lucian raised both eyebrows.

  “What does the little Shadow have? Pocket aces? Pocket kings? Somehow I doubt it’s either of those…”

  “Texas hold ‘em is a game of betting and bluffing. It’s not about bullshitting. I put you all in… are you in?”

  “I’ll call.”

  Lucian slid all of his chips to the middle of the table. Shadow moved most of his there as well to match it. Lucian flipped his cards: 6 6. He had three of a kind. Shadow slammed his down on the table.

  “Three sixes to your two pair. I hope you said goodbye to the loincloth monkey earlier today because he’s about to join a real department. Well… that’s if I decide to let him live.”

  “I still have a few outs. Flip the last card.”

  Shadow had a small pile of chips still in front of him but he knew that if he didn’t win this hand, he may as well concede the game. Lucian placed the last card down on the table. The eight of hearts. Shadow grinned.

  “Looks like I’ll be leaving with all of the souls and a new recruit.”

  “Actually… you won’t be leaving at all.”

  “Meaning that you have this place surrounded?”


  “So all of that stuff about not killing other…”

  “You aren’t a major demon, Shadow. You like to run around and play one but the Dragon hasn’t appointed a new head of the department of murder. You might be considered for the spot so I think it’s easier to just end your life right now.”